Felstead Database


The aim of the Felstead Database is to list brief details of every towerbell peal that has been rung. In order to achieve this, peals are added to the Felstead Database as historical evidence is received or obtained from current sources such as BellBoard, The Ringing World and PealBase.

The Felstead database was last updated on 12 October 2024 at 12:50:11 AM (UTC).

Find peals by tower

You can list the peals rung at any particular tower. Enter the name of tower (not the county or country). If you need to do a more advanced search then click here.

Enter all or part of place name:

Find peals by rung date

You can display a list of the tower bell peals rung on any specific date. Fill in the following boxes and click on the button

Day of Month (2 digits) Month of Year (2 digits) Year (4 digits)

Find peals by method

You can display a list of the peals rung in any particular method. If you need more advanced method search facilities then click here.

Enter method name:
E.g. Jesmond Surprise Major

Find peals by Felstead id

You can enter the Felstead id to view a particlar Felstead record

Enter Felstead id:
E.g. 338-7607

All Time Tower Ranking

You can display a list of all places that have had tower bell peals rung in them sorted by the number of peals. This feature was suggested by Colin M Turner. Note that the generation of this list takes several seconds.

Linking to the Felstead Database

You may link to a particular tower on the Felstead database from your own website. First, find the TowerBase identifier for the tower that you wish to link to and then code an HTML anchor. For example, a link to Jesmond, Newcastle upon Tyne which has a TowerBase identifier of 2697 would look like this:

<a href='https://www.felstead.org.uk/tbid.php?tid=2697'>Jesmond, Newcastle upon Tyne</a>

Note that linking to individual peals in Felstead has never been supported.

Glossary of terms

Various terms are used in the Felstead database. You can find out what they mean by clicking here.

County Names

British politicians seem to delight in changing the names of counties. This can cause confusion. The Felstead database uses the traditional UK county names.

Abbreviations used in the peal notes

There are notes appended to many of the peal records in the database. This page explains the abreviations used in the notes.

Other peal databases

The Felstead database is not the only source of peal data. This page has links to other online peal databases.


A biography of the late Canon K W H Felstead

Found an error ?

The Felstead Database contains brief details of over 360,000 towerbell peals. Inevitably there will be errors in the data and also in the software that drives the system. Send details of any errors in peal data or the software to errors@felstead.org.uk.

Looking after the Felstead database is labour of love. Please make life a little easier by being as precise as possible when describing any errors. In particular, please use the PB-ID when referring to any peal. It is not a lot of help to say something like peal number 50 on the Loughborough Bellfoundry page should have be recorded against Loughborough, All Saints because the peal might have been moved already and there would be a risk of moving a second unrelated peal.

It would also be helpful to use TowerBase identifiers as well as the tower name when referring to towers. TowerBase identifiers are used in many applications including Dove On-Line, John Ketteringham's library of bell recordings as well as TowerBase itself.