Felstead Database - Peal List for Tower

3 invalid peals for Stepney, S Dunstan, Middlesex, England.

View the 242 valid peals

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1 to 3 out of 3 peals

PealPB-IDStatusDate RungMethod
1416-4644HOAXMon, 12 Aug 1844Grandsire Caters
BL 18.viii.44 - KWHF notes: a hoax? challenged next week - not answered.
2416-4628FALSESat, 5 Apr 1902Stedman Caters
BN xxi.7 - False
3416-4631FALSESat, 1 Feb 1913Stedman Caters
BN xxxi.635; RW 0099.0090 - False

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