Felstead Database - Towers in Westmorland

TB IdPlaceValid PealsInvalid Peals
103Ambleside, S Mary980
122Appleby, S Lawrence60
7843Bampton S Patrick (6 bells)40
272Bampton, S Patrick (5 bells)20
281Barbon, S Bartholomew200
395Beetham, S Michael & All Angels80
617Bowness on Windermere, S Martin130
794Brough, S Michael20
878Burton in Kendal, S James280
1394Crosthwaite, S Mary841
2435Heversham, S Peter160
2714Kendal, Holy Trinity1100
2817Kirkby Lonsdale, S Mary the Virgin210
2821Kirkby Stephen, unknown60
2866Langdale, Holy Trinity360
3396Milnthorpe, S Thomas90
7846Moresby, S Bridget30
3755Orton, All Saints290
4306Shap, S Michael & All Angels211

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